1、检测保留的对象 LeakCanary 使用 ObjectWatcher 来监控 Android 的生命周期。当 Activity 和 Fragment 被 destroy 以后,这些引用被传给 ObjectWatcher 以 WeakReference 的形式引用着。如果 gc 完 5 秒钟以后这些引用还没有被清除掉,那就是内存泄露了。
2、堆转储 当被泄露掉的对象达到一个阈值,LeakCanary将Java堆栈信息 dump(转储)到.hprof
3、分析堆 LeakCanary 用 Shark 库来解析.hprof
文件,找到无法被清理的引用的引用栈,然后再根据对 Android 系统的知识来判定是哪个实例导致的泄露。通过泄露信息,LeakCanary 会将一条完整的引用链缩减到一个小的引用链,其余的因为这个小的引用链导致的泄露链都会被聚合在一起。
1 2 3 4 dependencies { // debugImplementation because LeakCanary should only run in debug builds. debugImplementation 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android:2.1' }
初始化 2.0 版本的 LeakCanary 使用了 ContentProvider 来进行初始化,它的特点,即在打包的过程中来自不同 module的 ContentProvider 最后都会 merge 到一个文件中,启动 app 的时候 ContentProvider 是自动安装,并且安装会比 Application 的 onCreate 还早。
1 2 3 4 5 // 在 leakcanary-object-watcher-android 包下的 AndroidManifest.xml 中有一个 ContentProvider <provider android:name ="leakcanary.internal.AppWatcherInstaller$MainProcess" android:authorities ="${applicationId}.leakcanary-installer" android:exported ="false" />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 override fun onCreate () : Boolean { val application = context!!.applicationContext as Application InternalAppWatcher.install(application) return true }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 fun install (application: Application ) { SharkLog.logger = DefaultCanaryLog() SharkLog.d { "Installing AppWatcher" } checkMainThread() if (this ::application.isInitialized) { return } InternalAppWatcher.application = application val configProvider = { AppWatcher.config } ActivityDestroyWatcher.install(application, objectWatcher, configProvider) FragmentDestroyWatcher.install(application, objectWatcher, configProvider) onAppWatcherInstalled(application) }
Activity 的生命周期监听是借助于 Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 private val lifecycleCallbacks = object : Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks by noOpDelegate() { override fun onActivityDestroyed (activity: Activity ) { if (configProvider().watchActivities) { objectWatcher.watch( activity, "${activity::class.java.name} received Activity#onDestroy() callback" ) } } } companion object { fun install ( application: Application , objectWatcher: ObjectWatcher , configProvider: () -> Config ) { val activityDestroyWatcher = ActivityDestroyWatcher(objectWatcher, configProvider) application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(activityDestroyWatcher.lifecycleCallbacks) } }
而 Fragment 的生命周期监听是借助了 Activity 的 ActivityLifecycleCallbacks 生命周期回调,当 Activity 创建的时候去调用 FragmentManager.registerFragmentLifecycleCallbacks 方法注册 Fragment 的生命周期监听。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 override fun onFragmentViewDestroyed ( fm: FragmentManager , fragment: Fragment ) { val view = fragment.view if (view != null && configProvider().watchFragmentViews) { objectWatcher.watch( view, "${fragment::class.java.name} received Fragment#onDestroyView() callback " + "(references to its views should be cleared to prevent leaks)" ) } } override fun onFragmentDestroyed ( fm: FragmentManager , fragment: Fragment ) { if (configProvider().watchFragments) { objectWatcher.watch( fragment, "${fragment::class.java.name} received Fragment#onDestroy() callback" ) } } } override fun invoke (activity: Activity ) { val fragmentManager = activity.fragmentManager fragmentManager.registerFragmentLifecycleCallbacks(fragmentLifecycleCallbacks, true ) }
最终,Activity 和 Fragment 都将自己的引用传入了 ObjectWatcher.watch() 进行监控。从这里开始进入到LeakCanary 的引用监测逻辑。
引用监控 引用和 GC Java 中存在四种引用 :
1 2 3 WeakReference<ArrayList> weakReference = new WeakReference <ArrayList>(list); WeakReference<ArrayList> weakReference = new WeakReference <ArrayList>(list, new ReferenceQueue <WeakReference<ArrayList>>());
这样就可以把对象和 ReferenceQueue 关联起来,进行对象是否 gc 的判断了。另外我们从弱引用的特征中看到,弱引用是不会影响到这个对象是否被 gc 的,很适合用来监控对象的 gc 情况。
Java 中有两种手动调用 GC 的方式。
1 2 3 System.gc(); Runtime.getRuntime().gc();
监控 Activity 和 Fragment 都依赖于响应的 LifecycleCallback 来回调销毁信息,然后调用了 ObjectWatcher.watch 添加了销毁后的监控。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 @Synchronized fun watch ( watchedObject: Any , description: String ) { if (!isEnabled()) { return } removeWeaklyReachableObjects() val key = UUID.randomUUID() .toString() val watchUptimeMillis = clock.uptimeMillis() val reference = KeyedWeakReference(watchedObject, key, description, watchUptimeMillis, queue) SharkLog.d { "Watching " + (if (watchedObject is Class<*>) watchedObject.toString() else "instance of ${watchedObject.javaClass.name} " ) + (if (description.isNotEmpty()) " ($description )" else "" ) + " with key $key " } watchedObjects[key] = reference checkRetainedExecutor.execute { moveToRetained(key) } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 private fun removeWeaklyReachableObjects () { var ref: KeyedWeakReference? do { ref = queue.poll() as KeyedWeakReference? if (ref != null ) { watchedObjects.remove(ref.key) } } while (ref != null ) }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 @Synchronized private fun moveToRetained (key: String ) { removeWeaklyReachableObjects() val retainedRef = watchedObjects[key] if (retainedRef != null ) { retainedRef.retainedUptimeMillis = clock.uptimeMillis() onObjectRetainedListeners.forEach { it.onObjectRetained() } } }
当拿到了需要监控的对象,但是又是怎么去判断这个对象已经内存泄露的呢?前面在 InternalAppWatcher 的 install 方法的时候,除了 install 了 Activity 和 Fragment 的检测器,还调用了onAppWatcherInstalled(application) 方法,这个方法就是 InternalLeakCanary 的 invoke 方法。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 init { val internalLeakCanary = try { val leakCanaryListener = Class.forName("leakcanary.internal.InternalLeakCanary" ) leakCanaryListener.getDeclaredField("INSTANCE" ) .get (null ) } catch (ignored: Throwable) { NoLeakCanary } @kotlin .Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST" ) onAppWatcherInstalled = internalLeakCanary as (Application) -> Unit }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 override fun invoke (application: Application ) { this .application = application AppWatcher.objectWatcher.addOnObjectRetainedListener(this ) val heapDumper = AndroidHeapDumper(application, leakDirectoryProvider) val gcTrigger = GcTrigger.Default val configProvider = { LeakCanary.config } val handlerThread = HandlerThread(LEAK_CANARY_THREAD_NAME) handlerThread.start() val backgroundHandler = Handler(handlerThread.looper) heapDumpTrigger = HeapDumpTrigger( application, backgroundHandler, AppWatcher.objectWatcher, gcTrigger, heapDumper, configProvider ) application.registerVisibilityListener { applicationVisible -> this .applicationVisible = applicationVisible heapDumpTrigger.onApplicationVisibilityChanged(applicationVisible) } addDynamicShortcut(application) disableDumpHeapInTests() } override fun onObjectRetained () { if (this ::heapDumpTrigger.isInitialized) { heapDumpTrigger.onObjectRetained() } }
HeapDumpTrigger 主要是下面几个功能:
主要的处理逻辑都在 checkRetainedObjects 方法中。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 private fun checkRetainedObjects (reason: String ) { val config = configProvider() if (!config.dumpHeap) { SharkLog.d { "Ignoring check for retained objects scheduled because $reason : LeakCanary.Config.dumpHeap is false" } return } var retainedReferenceCount = objectWatcher.retainedObjectCount if (retainedReferenceCount > 0 ) { gcTrigger.runGc() retainedReferenceCount = objectWatcher.retainedObjectCount } if (checkRetainedCount(retainedReferenceCount, config.retainedVisibleThreshold)) return if (!config.dumpHeapWhenDebugging && DebuggerControl.isDebuggerAttached) { showRetainedCountNotification( objectCount = retainedReferenceCount, contentText = application.getString( R.string.leak_canary_notification_retained_debugger_attached ) ) scheduleRetainedObjectCheck( reason = "debugger is attached" , rescheduling = true , delayMillis = WAIT_FOR_DEBUG_MILLIS ) return } val now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() val elapsedSinceLastDumpMillis = now - lastHeapDumpUptimeMillis if (elapsedSinceLastDumpMillis < WAIT_BETWEEN_HEAP_DUMPS_MILLIS) { showRetainedCountNotification( objectCount = retainedReferenceCount, contentText = application.getString(R.string.leak_canary_notification_retained_dump_wait) ) scheduleRetainedObjectCheck( reason = "previous heap dump was ${elapsedSinceLastDumpMillis} ms ago (< ${WAIT_BETWEEN_HEAP_DUMPS_MILLIS} ms)" , rescheduling = true , delayMillis = WAIT_BETWEEN_HEAP_DUMPS_MILLIS - elapsedSinceLastDumpMillis ) return } SharkLog.d { "Check for retained objects found $retainedReferenceCount objects, dumping the heap" } dismissRetainedCountNotification() dumpHeap(retainedReferenceCount, retry = true ) }
总结 Activity 和 Fragment 通过注册系统的监听在 onDestroy 的时候把自己的引用放入 ObjectWatcher 进行监测,监测主要是通过 HeapDumpTrigger 类轮询进行,主要是调用 AndroidHeapDumper 来 dump 出文件来,然后依赖于 HeapAnalyzerService 来进行分析。
dump 对象及分析 dump 对象 :
hprof 是 JDK 提供的一种 JVM TI Agent native 工具。JVM TI,全拼是 JVM Tool interface,是 JVM 提供的一套标准的 C/C++ 编程接口,是实现 Debugger、Profiler、Monitor、Thread Analyser 等工具的统一基础,在主流 Java 虚拟机中都有实现。hprof 工具事实上也是实现了这套接口,可以认为是一套简单的 profiler agent 工具。
LeakCanary 也是使用的 hprof 文件进行对象存储。hprof 文件比较简单,整体按照 前置信息 + 记录表的格式来组织的。但是记录的种类相当之多。具体种类可以查看 HPROF Agent。
同时,android 中也提供了一个简便的方法 Debug.dumpHprofData(filePath) (需要权限)可以把对象 dump 到指定路径下的hprof 文件中。LeakCanary 使用 Shark 库来解析 Hprof 文件中的各种 record,比较高效,使用 Shark 中的HprofReader 和 HprofWriter 来进行读写解析,获取需要的信息。
dump 具体的代码在 AndroidHeapDumper 类中。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 override fun dumpHeap () : File? { val heapDumpFile = leakDirectoryProvider.newHeapDumpFile() ?: return null val waitingForToast = FutureResult<Toast?>() showToast(waitingForToast) if (!waitingForToast.wait(5 , SECONDS)) { SharkLog.d { "Did not dump heap, too much time waiting for Toast." } return null } val notificationManager = context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager if (Notifications.canShowNotification) { val dumpingHeap = context.getString(R.string.leak_canary_notification_dumping) val builder = Notification.Builder(context) .setContentTitle(dumpingHeap) val notification = Notifications.buildNotification(context, builder, LEAKCANARY_LOW) notificationManager.notify(R.id.leak_canary_notification_dumping_heap, notification) } val toast = waitingForToast.get () return try { Debug.dumpHprofData(heapDumpFile.absolutePath) if (heapDumpFile.length() == 0L ) { SharkLog.d { "Dumped heap file is 0 byte length" } null } else { heapDumpFile } } catch (e: Exception) { SharkLog.d(e) { "Could not dump heap" } null } finally { cancelToast(toast) notificationManager.cancel(R.id.leak_canary_notification_dumping_heap) } }
对象分析 :
HeapDumpTrigger 主要是依赖于 HeapAnalyzerService 进行分析。HeapAnalyzerService 其实是一个ForegroundService。在接收到分析的 Intent 后就会调用 HeapAnalyzer 的 analyze 方法。所以最终进行分析的地方就是 HeapAnalyzer 的 analyze 方法。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 fun analyze ( heapDumpFile: File , leakingObjectFinder: LeakingObjectFinder , referenceMatchers: List <ReferenceMatcher > = emptyList() , computeRetainedHeapSize: Boolean = false , objectInspectors: List<ObjectInspector> = emptyList(), metadataExtractor: MetadataExtractor = MetadataExtractor.NO_OP, proguardMapping: ProguardMapping? = null ): HeapAnalysis { val analysisStartNanoTime = System.nanoTime() if (!heapDumpFile.exists()) { val exception = IllegalArgumentException("File does not exist: $heapDumpFile " ) return HeapAnalysisFailure( heapDumpFile, System.currentTimeMillis(), since(analysisStartNanoTime), HeapAnalysisException(exception) ) } return try { listener.onAnalysisProgress(PARSING_HEAP_DUMP) Hprof.open (heapDumpFile) .use { hprof -> val graph = HprofHeapGraph.indexHprof(hprof, proguardMapping) val helpers = FindLeakInput(graph, referenceMatchers, computeRetainedHeapSize, objectInspectors) helpers.analyzeGraph( metadataExtractor, leakingObjectFinder, heapDumpFile, analysisStartNanoTime ) } } catch (exception: Throwable) { HeapAnalysisFailure( heapDumpFile, System.currentTimeMillis(), since(analysisStartNanoTime), HeapAnalysisException(exception) ) } }
总结 1、LeakCanary 是如何使用 ObjectWatcher 监控生命周期的? LeakCanary 使用了 Application 的 ActivityLifecycleCallbacks 和 FragmentManager 的FragmentLifecycleCallbacks 方法进行 Activity 和 Fragment 的生命周期检测,当 Activity 和 Fragment 被回调onDestroy 以后就会被 ObjectWatcher 生成 KeyedReference 来检测,然后借助 HeapDumpTrigger 的轮询和触发 gc 的操作找到弹出提醒的时机。
2、LeakCanary 如何 dump 和分析.hprof
文件的? 使用 Android 平台自带的 Debug.dumpHprofData 方法获取到 hprof 文件,使用自建的 Shark 库进行解析,获取到 LeakTrace。
Android 开发者,是时候了解 LeakCanary 了